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Ceramics and the Environment |
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Advanced ceramics play an important role in addressing the environmental needs of the United States. Ceramics help decrease pollution, capture toxic materials and encapsulate wastes. New ceramic-based materials are being used to create automobile and aircraft engine parts that will result in more efficient combustion and significant fuel savings. Ceramics are used to encapsulate radioactive wastes safely, while hazardous wastes are being recycled with ceramic materials to produce harmless consumer products such as floor tile. Ceramics are also used in oil spill containment booms that corral oil so that it can be towed away from ships, harbors or offshore oil drilling rigs before being siphoned or burned off safely.
The following individuals may be contacted regarding ceramic applications in the environment.
Wayne S. Young
Senior Engineer
Environmental Programs
IBM Corporation
5600 Cottle Road
San Jose, CA 95193
408/256-4394 (phone) ?408/256-1779 (fax) ?wayney@us.ibm.com (e-mail)
Background: Young is involved in the environmental impact of ceramic products at the IBM Corporation, including the "greening of computers."
Carol M. Jantzen
Advisory Scientist
Westinghouse Savannah River Co.
Savannah River Technology Center, Bldg. 773-A
Aiken, SC 29808
803/725-2374 (phone) ?803/725-4704 (fax) ?carol.jantzen@srs.gov (e-mail)
Background: Jantzen, 1996-97 ACerS president, is an expert in the disposal of a wide variety of wastes (hazardous and radioactive) in various ceramic matrices including but not limited to glass, ceramics, zeolites and cement, as well as being an expert at process control development and modeling of glasses and ceramics.
Glenn W. Hollenberg
Senior Staff Scientist
Battelle Pacific Northwest Labs
Process Science and Engineering Department
K9-85 Lab o Box 999
Richland, WA 99352
509/372-6240 (phone) o?509/375-2610 (fax) ?glenn.hollenberg@pnl.gov (e-mail)
Background: Hollenberg works in a group on a large variety of processes including vitrification of waste and fabrication of nuclear ceramics. |
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